Rocket attacks hit strategic targets in Kabul

Two rockets hit strategic targets in Kabul, Afghanistan, early Tuesday morning, Reuters has confirmed. One struck the Presidenitial Palace, home of current President Hamid Karzai who is seeking re-election in Thursday’s presidential election, and the other hit the police headquarters in the city.

The attack followed a major explosion near the NATO Headquarters and U.S. Embassy on Saturday.

Tweets from Kabul — and one tweet relaying info from Afghanistan — were quick to report these latest attacks, which according to one tweet, may have been carried out by the Taliban:

  1. ciriacorayms
    ciriacorayms (Kabul, Afghanistan) I heard another loud “thud” from my hotel (6:58am) in Kabul, Afghanistan. I hope it is not as bad as attack at NATO HQ the other day.
  2. 大辉
    liu_h (New York, N.Y.) two huge blast jusy took place in Kabul, city of hell, I believe this time more than one ton TNT.-from kevin in afganistan
  3. Steven L Herman
    W7VOA (Kabul, Afghanistan) Some damage as rocket strikes presidential palace in Kabul. Second hits police HQ. No injuries reported. #afghanistan
  4. Atia Abawi
    AtiaAbawi (Afghanistan) Two rockets hit Kabul last night. One landing at the Presidential Palace, Gul Khanna house, injuring one. (Palace Source)
  5. Steven L Herman
    W7VOA (Kabul, Afghanistan) Taliban SMS msg to news agencies claims 4 rockets fired into heart of Kabul. #afghanistan

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